Still Putting the "Social" in Social Networking

Last week, I committed myself to reaching out to all the people that I’m connected with on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter because I want to improve the quality of those connections. I decided to send messages to people in my network, and much to my surprise, it’s been a much more daunting task than I expected. Not complaining, just a bit shocked. Turns out, I have over 200 Facebook friends and while reconnecting has been fun, I’m not even a quarter through my list! LOL. Read More...

Putting the "Social" in Social Networking

It seems reasonable to me, that if an activity is called “Social Networking”, then it should actually be Social.

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve amassed several contacts, connections, and internet friends on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, but because I want to improve the quality of those connections, I’ll be spending some time actually reaching out to the people in my network.